Struggles only tall and short people will understand

Both tall and short people will relate to these

Stars Insider

22/12/24 | StarsInsider


We come in all shapes and sizes.

Our height is dependent on a number of factors, being genetics the most predominant one. Indeed, our differences in height is one of the things that makes our species so diverse and interesting.

There are clear advantages to being taller or shorter than the average population. Tall people, for instance, have longer limbs, which makes them more suitable for a number of sports. Truly, taller people can use their height as a physical advantage in a number of situations, from reaching a top shelf to intimidating an opponent.

The same goes for short people—a smaller frame also brings an array of advantages. Short people enjoy plenty of legroom in flights, they have a lower center of gravity (meaning that they're less likely to lose balance and fall), and they also have an advantage in a number of sports.

But while both tall and short people might enjoy a number of benefits because of their height, the opposite is also true. If you are a tall or short person, you can easily relate.

In this gallery you’ll find the real struggles tall and short people have to go through. Click on and check them out!

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