Embarrassing things we all do on vacation
Don't try to deny it
© Shutterstock
One of the reasons we so look forward to holidays is because we associate a whole different set of rules for life on vacation as compared to life at home. For most of us, normal standards of hygiene, composure, and integrity go out the window as soon as our passports are scanned at the airport.
In addition to the lack of rules we maintain for ourselves, there are so many ways to make mistakes while traveling. There are so many seemingly harmless words and actions that vary in degrees of offensiveness all over the world. Plus, there are all the stresses of traveling in a place with a different language, or traveling by yourself, or (sometimes even worse) traveling with other people. The odds are stacked against you when it comes to keeping your composure while on holiday.
What makes it worse is how easy it is to make fun of the tourists you see in your own city, with their Hawaiian-printed shirts, fanny packs, and a combined look of awe and confusion. But, if we’re being honest, we all look as ridiculous and out of place as that when we travel. And in more ways than one.
Maybe it was your insistence on wearing nice sandals on a hike, the farmer’s tan (read: burn) you got on the first day, or the incredible amount of beer you drank and the dance battle you got into with a group of locals—no matter what it was, you can at least take solace in the fact that you are certainly not alone.
Check out this gallery to see just a few of the numerous embarrassing moments we’ve all had while on vacation (the ones we’ll never admit to when we get back)!
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