LGBTQ+ youth and stars shine together at Queer Prom

Today is Prom Day

Stars Insider

31/03/22 | StarsInsider


While it's supposed to be an exciting time, prom isn't guaranteed to be a good experience for all. Indeed, for members of the LGBTQ+ community, prom has often been a time of personal struggle. Determined to give LGBTQ+ youth of today a positive prom story, BuzzFeed came up with their Queer Prom event. But it's not just for teens—whether they hated, loved, or didn't even attend their own prom, celebs like Adam Lambert, Evan Rachel Wood, and Perez Hilton got a prom do-over thanks to Queer Prom.

So, what's Queer Prom like? And which other celebrities have attended? Click on to find out!

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