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The secret ways dogs communicate with their owners
- <p>Animal Channel has compiled a series of dog behaviors and explained what they mean. Do you know what your dog is trying to communicate when they lay on your feet or bring you your slippers in the morning? </p><p>Be surprised by all of the things dogs do to communicate how they're feeling in the following gallery!</p>
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0 / 49 Fotos
Giving you gifts - Bringing you a sneaker or a dead animal is just your dog trying to make you happy.
© iStock
1 / 49 Fotos
Sits on your feet - She may be marking her territory or feeling insecure.
© iStock
2 / 49 Fotos
Digging - Digging is a sign of boredom.
© iStock
3 / 49 Fotos
Staying by your side at all times - Dogs are pack animals and desire staying nearby their pack members.
© iStock
4 / 49 Fotos
Licking - Licking is a sign of submission, a way to release stress, and an expression of love.
© iStock
5 / 49 Fotos
Howling - A dog normally howls in response to a loud and high-pitched sound such as an ambulance. It is unclear as to whether the sound just makes them uncomfortable or if they howl for other reasons.
© iStock
6 / 49 Fotos
Eating grass - This behavior is completely normal and usually indicates that your dog is lacking a specific nutrient in their diet or is trying to ease digestive distress.
© iStock
7 / 49 Fotos
Tail chasing - Puppies usually chase their tails because they don't realize it belongs to their own bodies. Older dogs may simply be bored.
© Shutterstock
8 / 49 Fotos
Passed out on back - A dog lying on their back with their front legs drooped across their body is most likely hot and indicating that they don't want to be bothered or touched.
© iStock
9 / 49 Fotos
Butt sniffing - This is the dog equivalent of a handshake when they meet someone new.
© iStock
10 / 49 Fotos
Dead bug position
- A dog laying on his back is submissive and vulnerable, showing trust in his surroundings.
© Shutterstock
11 / 49 Fotos
Lots of energy after a bath - Your dog is likely just trying to dry off or is feeling relief at being released from the bathtub.
© iStock
12 / 49 Fotos
Head tilting - Your dog is trying to hear better and focus on the sound.
© Shutterstock
13 / 49 Fotos
Fast wagging tail - A low and fast-wagging tail indicates that your dog needs comfort and is feeling anxious or uncomfortable.
© Shutterstock
14 / 49 Fotos
The fox position - When your dog is curled up in a tight ball, she might be cold.
© iStock
15 / 49 Fotos
Tongue out studying you - Your dog is relaxed and happy.
© iStock
16 / 49 Fotos
Open mouth with relaxed tail and high ears - This indicates a neutral, relaxed, and secure dog.
© iStock
17 / 49 Fotos
Baring teeth, ears back, and snarling
- This dog feels threatened and is giving a warning.
© Shutterstock
18 / 49 Fotos
Low growl - A fearful and anxious dog will growl softly. Give them their space as a scared dog is unpredictable.
© iStock
19 / 49 Fotos
Puppy dog eyes - This adorable expression indicates that your dog loves and trusts you (he may also be begging for food!).
© iStock
20 / 49 Fotos
Couch destruction - This is a major sign of separation anxiety and boredom.
© Shutterstock
21 / 49 Fotos
Hanging head out of a car window
- A dog that sticks their head out of the window while in the car is taking in the sights and scents of their surroundings.
© iStock
22 / 49 Fotos
Taking over your bed - Your pup just wants to feel like a part of the pack!
© iStock
23 / 49 Fotos
Rising bark - A bark that starts out soft and gets louder and higher indicates an excited pup that wants you to play with them.
© iStock
24 / 49 Fotos
Low front, mouth wide open, and wagging tail - This play pose indicates that your dog is enjoying himself and having fun.
© iStock
25 / 49 Fotos
Forward ears - This indicates focus and curiosity.
© iStock
26 / 49 Fotos
Showing empathy - Dogs can read our body language and pick up on our emotional cues. They may lick you or rest their head on your lap to try to comfort you when you're upset.
© iStock
27 / 49 Fotos
Humping - This is a way that your dog asserts dominance.
© iStock
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Superman position - A dog in this position normally has a lot of energy and has completely crashed.
© Shutterstock
29 / 49 Fotos
Hunched over - This posture could indicate that your dog has been previously abused or attacked and is trying to make herself small and unnoticeable.
© iStock
30 / 49 Fotos
Awaiting your approval - If your dog waits and looks back at you before doing something, it means he trusts and respects you and understands you're in charge.
© iStock
31 / 49 Fotos
Intense eye contact - Your dog is focused on you and ready for you to communicate what you want from her.
© iStock
32 / 49 Fotos
Loose floppy tongue
- This is the sign of a very chilled and relaxed dog.
© iStock
33 / 49 Fotos
Rocking horse - When your dog runs in a rocking motion, they are likely enjoying the activity and wanting it to continue.
© iStock
34 / 49 Fotos
Belly curl - A dog laying on their belly with their legs tucked up underneath them is most likely a shy dog.
© iStock
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After-dinner snuggles - Your dog is expressing how comfortable they feel with you.
© iStock
36 / 49 Fotos
Straight pointed tail and forward ears - This is the sign of a curious dog ready to explore his surroundings.
© iStock
37 / 49 Fotos
Sleeping in your bed - Aside from being comfortable, your bed smells like you and is comforting to your dog when you're not there.
© iStock
38 / 49 Fotos
Side sleeping
- This indicates a happy and carefree dog with a lot of trust in their pack/family.
© Shutterstock
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Back to back
- Dogs sleep back-to-back with another member of their pack when there is complete trust.
© Shutterstock
40 / 49 Fotos
Leaning on you - Your dog wants your attention when he does this.
© Shutterstock
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Eating feces - Dogs typically do this to keep their "territory" clean or when they are lacking in certain nutrients.
© Shutterstock
42 / 49 Fotos
Raising a single paw - A dog might raise a paw to indicate hunger or a desire to play.
© Shutterstock
43 / 49 Fotos
- Dogs yawn when they are bored, tired, or when they "catch" it from someone/something else.
© Shutterstock
44 / 49 Fotos
Butt scooting - This may look silly but your dog could have a gland problem or worms. He may also just be trying to clean himself.
© Shutterstock
45 / 49 Fotos
Crazy greetings - Your pup is just excited to see you.
© Shutterstock
46 / 49 Fotos
Paws raised - When sitting or laying down with her paws in the air, your dog is trying to concentrate.
© Shutterstock
47 / 49 Fotos
Squinting or blinking of the eyes
- Your four-legged friend just wants your attention! See also: The most common mistakes dog owners make
© iStock
48 / 49 Fotos
The secret ways dogs communicate with their owners
- <p>Animal Channel has compiled a series of dog behaviors and explained what they mean. Do you know what your dog is trying to communicate when they lay on your feet or bring you your slippers in the morning? </p><p>Be surprised by all of the things dogs do to communicate how they're feeling in the following gallery!</p>
© Shutterstock
0 / 49 Fotos
Giving you gifts - Bringing you a sneaker or a dead animal is just your dog trying to make you happy.
© iStock
1 / 49 Fotos
Sits on your feet - She may be marking her territory or feeling insecure.
© iStock
2 / 49 Fotos
Digging - Digging is a sign of boredom.
© iStock
3 / 49 Fotos
Staying by your side at all times - Dogs are pack animals and desire staying nearby their pack members.
© iStock
4 / 49 Fotos
Licking - Licking is a sign of submission, a way to release stress, and an expression of love.
© iStock
5 / 49 Fotos
Howling - A dog normally howls in response to a loud and high-pitched sound such as an ambulance. It is unclear as to whether the sound just makes them uncomfortable or if they howl for other reasons.
© iStock
6 / 49 Fotos
Eating grass - This behavior is completely normal and usually indicates that your dog is lacking a specific nutrient in their diet or is trying to ease digestive distress.
© iStock
7 / 49 Fotos
Tail chasing - Puppies usually chase their tails because they don't realize it belongs to their own bodies. Older dogs may simply be bored.
© Shutterstock
8 / 49 Fotos
Passed out on back - A dog lying on their back with their front legs drooped across their body is most likely hot and indicating that they don't want to be bothered or touched.
© iStock
9 / 49 Fotos
Butt sniffing - This is the dog equivalent of a handshake when they meet someone new.
© iStock
10 / 49 Fotos
Dead bug position
- A dog laying on his back is submissive and vulnerable, showing trust in his surroundings.
© Shutterstock
11 / 49 Fotos
Lots of energy after a bath - Your dog is likely just trying to dry off or is feeling relief at being released from the bathtub.
© iStock
12 / 49 Fotos
Head tilting - Your dog is trying to hear better and focus on the sound.
© Shutterstock
13 / 49 Fotos
Fast wagging tail - A low and fast-wagging tail indicates that your dog needs comfort and is feeling anxious or uncomfortable.
© Shutterstock
14 / 49 Fotos
The fox position - When your dog is curled up in a tight ball, she might be cold.
© iStock
15 / 49 Fotos
Tongue out studying you - Your dog is relaxed and happy.
© iStock
16 / 49 Fotos
Open mouth with relaxed tail and high ears - This indicates a neutral, relaxed, and secure dog.
© iStock
17 / 49 Fotos
Baring teeth, ears back, and snarling
- This dog feels threatened and is giving a warning.
© Shutterstock
18 / 49 Fotos
Low growl - A fearful and anxious dog will growl softly. Give them their space as a scared dog is unpredictable.
© iStock
19 / 49 Fotos
Puppy dog eyes - This adorable expression indicates that your dog loves and trusts you (he may also be begging for food!).
© iStock
20 / 49 Fotos
Couch destruction - This is a major sign of separation anxiety and boredom.
© Shutterstock
21 / 49 Fotos
Hanging head out of a car window
- A dog that sticks their head out of the window while in the car is taking in the sights and scents of their surroundings.
© iStock
22 / 49 Fotos
Taking over your bed - Your pup just wants to feel like a part of the pack!
© iStock
23 / 49 Fotos
Rising bark - A bark that starts out soft and gets louder and higher indicates an excited pup that wants you to play with them.
© iStock
24 / 49 Fotos
Low front, mouth wide open, and wagging tail - This play pose indicates that your dog is enjoying himself and having fun.
© iStock
25 / 49 Fotos
Forward ears - This indicates focus and curiosity.
© iStock
26 / 49 Fotos
Showing empathy - Dogs can read our body language and pick up on our emotional cues. They may lick you or rest their head on your lap to try to comfort you when you're upset.
© iStock
27 / 49 Fotos
Humping - This is a way that your dog asserts dominance.
© iStock
28 / 49 Fotos
Superman position - A dog in this position normally has a lot of energy and has completely crashed.
© Shutterstock
29 / 49 Fotos
Hunched over - This posture could indicate that your dog has been previously abused or attacked and is trying to make herself small and unnoticeable.
© iStock
30 / 49 Fotos
Awaiting your approval - If your dog waits and looks back at you before doing something, it means he trusts and respects you and understands you're in charge.
© iStock
31 / 49 Fotos
Intense eye contact - Your dog is focused on you and ready for you to communicate what you want from her.
© iStock
32 / 49 Fotos
Loose floppy tongue
- This is the sign of a very chilled and relaxed dog.
© iStock
33 / 49 Fotos
Rocking horse - When your dog runs in a rocking motion, they are likely enjoying the activity and wanting it to continue.
© iStock
34 / 49 Fotos
Belly curl - A dog laying on their belly with their legs tucked up underneath them is most likely a shy dog.
© iStock
35 / 49 Fotos
After-dinner snuggles - Your dog is expressing how comfortable they feel with you.
© iStock
36 / 49 Fotos
Straight pointed tail and forward ears - This is the sign of a curious dog ready to explore his surroundings.
© iStock
37 / 49 Fotos
Sleeping in your bed - Aside from being comfortable, your bed smells like you and is comforting to your dog when you're not there.
© iStock
38 / 49 Fotos
Side sleeping
- This indicates a happy and carefree dog with a lot of trust in their pack/family.
© Shutterstock
39 / 49 Fotos
Back to back
- Dogs sleep back-to-back with another member of their pack when there is complete trust.
© Shutterstock
40 / 49 Fotos
Leaning on you - Your dog wants your attention when he does this.
© Shutterstock
41 / 49 Fotos
Eating feces - Dogs typically do this to keep their "territory" clean or when they are lacking in certain nutrients.
© Shutterstock
42 / 49 Fotos
Raising a single paw - A dog might raise a paw to indicate hunger or a desire to play.
© Shutterstock
43 / 49 Fotos
- Dogs yawn when they are bored, tired, or when they "catch" it from someone/something else.
© Shutterstock
44 / 49 Fotos
Butt scooting - This may look silly but your dog could have a gland problem or worms. He may also just be trying to clean himself.
© Shutterstock
45 / 49 Fotos
Crazy greetings - Your pup is just excited to see you.
© Shutterstock
46 / 49 Fotos
Paws raised - When sitting or laying down with her paws in the air, your dog is trying to concentrate.
© Shutterstock
47 / 49 Fotos
Squinting or blinking of the eyes
- Your four-legged friend just wants your attention! See also: The most common mistakes dog owners make
© iStock
48 / 49 Fotos
The secret ways dogs communicate with their owners
Did you know that your dog was trying to tell you all of these things?
© <p>Shutterstock</p>
Animal Channel
has compiled a
of dog behaviors and explained what they mean. Do you know what your dog is trying to communicate when they lay on your feet or bring you your slippers in the morning?
Be surprised by all of the things dogs do to communicate how they're feeling in the following gallery!

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