From science fiction to reality: the evolving search for extraterrestrial life

Where are all the aliens?

Stars Insider

11/10/24 | StarsInsider


Technological advancements have allowed us to explore our solar system and galaxy in ways we never thought possible. The more we learn about the universe around us, the more we want to know if there are other beings out there doing the same thing. Other forms of life must exist in the endless expanse of space, so why haven't we found them?

Well, we're still a long way away, but a recent discovery by scientists in Canada reaffirms the theory that there is life out there. Astronomers using a powerful radio telescope have picked up mysterious radio signals from a far-away galaxy. The signal comes in the form of an intense burst of radio waves. Such signals have been detected before, but only lasted for a matter of milliseconds. This one, however, lasted for a full three seconds and came in a clear periodic pattern. Astrophysicist Daniele Michilli commented that the pattern sounded like a heartbeat. It is the longest radio signal ever detected from outer space. While the source is uncertain, researchers can confirm that it comes from another galaxy several billion light-years from earth.

The following gallery outlines some of the existing theories that attempt to explain why we haven't yet established real contact with potential extraterrestrial life. Check it out!

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