The incredible transformation effects of movie makeup

The fantastic art of the makeup artist

Stars Insider

30/05/24 | StarsInsider

MOVIES Movie magic

Film makeup can transform the look of an actor to the point where your favorite screen idol can become almost unrecognizable. And that's often the whole point. Depending on the role required, actors can be, for example, made to age or look freakish or downright menacing. Conversely, the most subtle of makeovers can be equally effective—a dash of color here, a dab of powder there is sometimes all that's needed. Either way, the very best makeup and hairstyle effects can help elevate a movie's appeal and even win it awards: after all, the Academy has a separate category to honor the efforts of makeup artists and hairstylists.

Click through the following gallery and be amazed at these movie stars and their incredible makeup transformations.

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