FDA approved: New medications and vaccines in 2024

Groundbreaking new drugs leading medical advances

Stars Insider

06/01/25 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Medication

It was a landmark year for medical advancements in 2024, bringing a wave of innovative treatments that promise to reshape patient care. Among the highlights are groundbreaking drugs such as Tryvio, for managing high blood pressure, and Neffy, a needle-free epinephrine nasal spray designed to address severe allergic reactions swiftly. Alzheimer's patients have new hope with Kisunla and Zunveyl, which target the disease in unprecedented ways, while Dupixent offers a breakthrough in managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, improving lung function and enhancing quality of life.

These transformative therapies not only address critical health challenges but also exemplify the rapid progress in pharmaceutical science. To explore the full list of US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved drugs from 2024, click through this gallery.

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