The science behind phantom pregnancies

The uncommon disorder that has caused many a heartbreak for would-be mothers

Stars Insider

02/01/25 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Pseudocyesis

Phantom pregnancy, medically known as pseudocyesis, is a rare medical condition that blurs the boundaries between the mind and the body. Women affected by it experience convincing symptoms of pregnancy, yet do not bear a child. Not only is it a physiological wonder, but phantom pregnancy has deep psychological factors that have fascinated and puzzled physicians for centuries. From Queen Mary I’s well-documented case in 1555, to modern instances, pseudocyesis is as much a psychological marvel as it is a medical mystery.

What could possibly cause a woman to believe that she is pregnant? How do such symptoms present themselves? And who is more at risk of developing this disorder? Click through the gallery to find out.

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