Are there any health benefits to infrared heat?

More than just a trend, infrared light could be the future of medicine

Stars Insider

31/12/24 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Science

Infrared heat therapy is making waves in the wellness world and the medical field, offering more than just a trendy experience. With applications ranging from pain relief and improved mobility to mental health support, its potential benefits are being relentlessly looked at around the world. Advocates and researchers alike are exploring its applications, from heated saunas and yoga classes to clinical uses for wound healing and even mental health support. Could this be the new future of health?

Though many claims still require further scientific validation, infrared therapy is quickly earning a reputation as a promising, low-risk tool for holistic health. But does this reputation have any merit? And what advantages could there possibly be to infrared heat? Click through this gallery to find out.

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