11 dead after drinking tainted alcohol in Istanbul

Methanol-tainted alcohol likely caused the poisoning, common in Turkey

Stars Insider

4 hours ago | StarsInsider

HEALTH Public health

Eleven people in Istanbul have died in the last 24 hours after consuming tainted alcohol, Anadolu news agency reported on January 14. 

"Thirty-eight people, including 26 foreign nationals, were admitted to various hospitals in the city after consuming tainted alcohol. Eleven of them who received hospital treatment in the last 24 hours died," it said.

In 2024, 110 people in Istanbul became ill from tainted alcohol, 48 of whom died, according to the Istanbul government on X.

Methanol-tainted alcohol is believed to be the cause, as methanol is a toxic substance that can lead to blindness, liver damage, and death. Poisonings from fake alcohol are common in Turkey due to rising taxes on alcoholic drinks and an increase in illegal production.

Methanol is a liquid used to produce things like fuel, plastics, and solvents. It is indistinguishable in taste from ethanol, the compound otherwise known as alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are sometimes laced with methanol as an inexpensive substitute for the presence of ethanol. 

Want to learn more about the dangers of methanol? Then click through the following gallery.

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