Walking pneumonia: what it is, and why you should be worried

The CDC reports that cases of walking pneumonia are surging in kids this year

Stars Insider

18/12/24 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Illnesses

As winter sets in, the CDC has reported that cases of walking pneumonia are surging in kids. Walking pneumonia is an illness that doesn't discriminate by age and can impact anyone who comes in contact with it. Though it may sound and even feel like COVID-19 in some ways, the two are very different. However, both can be dangerous.

In this gallery, you'll find out everything you need to know about walking pneumonia including how it's diagnosed, who is most susceptible, and how to treat it if you contract the virus. Be sure to protect both your family and yourself by staying informed.

Curious about walking pneumonia and its warning signs? Click through now to find out more.

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