Delusional disorder: when mental illness distorts reality

From jealousy to persecutory thoughts

Stars Insider

03/12/24 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Mental health

A delusion is basically a false belief that something is real, despite irrefutable evidence of the contrary. Delusions can be a symptom of a number of mental health issues, but it's possible to have them as the only symptom. When this happens, the person may be suffering from a type of mental illness called delusional disorder. Delusional disorder can be divided into different types, including jealousy (those who believe their partner are cheating on them) and persecutory (those who have a paranoid belief that someone is out to get them), to name a few.

In this gallery, we delve into the different types of delusional disorder, as well as the possible causes and treatments. Click on to learn all about it.

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