Is your baby’s formula safe? Investigation finds heavy metals in popular brands

Tests found lead, arsenic, and BPA in nearly half of baby formulas

Stars Insider

21/03/25 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Conditions

A recent investigation by Consumer Reports found heavy metals in popular baby formula brands in the US. The study revealed that nearly half of the 41 tested powdered baby formulas contained potentially harmful levels of at least one toxic contaminant, including arsenic, lead, and BPA. Notably, almost all samples contained lead, with 18 formulas reaching 50-100% of the “Maximum Allowable Dose Level” for a three-month-old, a benchmark set by California health officials.

The findings have intensified concerns over infant nutrition safety, urging stronger oversight. Following the report, the FDA announced a new initiative to enhance testing and regulatory measures for baby formula, aiming to address contamination risks and ensure safer options for parents.

Every day we are exposed to a wide variety of chemicals. The foods we eat have them, the water we drink has them, and even the air we breathe contains potentially toxic substances. Not to mention things such as cleaning products, fragrances, and cosmetics, to name a few. While most people will not have a serious reaction to such chemicals, others may indeed be significantly affected by them.

In this gallery, we explore how chemicals can affect our brain and nervous system, how neurotoxicity works, and conditions such as toxic encephalopathy and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS). Click on to learn more about the dangers of chemical exposure.

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