What is recreation therapy, and how can it help you and your loved ones?

The hands-on therapy approach that makes life easier for millions

Stars Insider

08/01/25 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Development

The term "therapy" frequently evokes images of bearing your heart to stone-faced professionals, or repetitive exercises to recover from physical issues. These types of therapy are, of course, essential for countless ailments and recovery processes, but can rub some people the wrong way. In some cases, it can even seem simply unhelpful. There are so many situations and difficulties out there that don't seem to fall into the jurisdiction of traditional therapy. Many areas of growth and development can seem left by the wayside.

That's where recreation therapy comes in. Also known as recreational therapy or therapeutic recreation, it exists to help and assist anyone and everyone who needs something more, or simply something different, than talk therapy or physical therapy. Recreational therapy is a hands-on and holistic process that can help toddlers and seniors, those with developmental, cognitive, or emotional disabilities, and everyone in between.

Intrigued? Read on to learn all about recreational therapy and how it can help.

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