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Workout gear
- First, you'll probably be pleased to know that you don't have to look like Rocky to train like Rocky. By all means wear gray workout clothes, but unless you have someone wrapping your hands professionally, stick to regular fabric hand wraps.
© BrunoPress
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Workout gear
- And perhaps it's a good idea to drop the Chucks for running.
© Getty Images
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Hitting the heavy bag
- Hitting the heavy bag is one of Rocky's favorite things to do. After all, he's a boxer. Try doing rounds of three minutes, and rest every 30 seconds. And, of course, ensure your hands are properly wrapped and that you're wearing boxing gloves.
© BrunoPress
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Stepping it up with the heavy bag
- Once you have mastered the brutality of the heavy bag workout, you can alternate between rounds with your arms tied with an elastic band (for extra resistance), and by having your workout buddy throwing the heavy bag at you. This way, you can train feints, too!
© Getty Images
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- Pull-ups are one of the best bodyweight exercises you can perform, and Rocky knew this. These will work wonders for you upper body, especially your forearms, biceps, and back. If you can't do enough reps, just use an elastic band to help you, and progress from there.
© BrunoPress
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- You can't go wrong with running. It's a simple and effective way to improve your cardiovascular health, among boasting other benefits. Of course, you can wear something more comfy than Rocky. And having you buddy or trainer cycling behind you shouting words of motivation is optional, too!
© Getty Images
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Trail running
- Nothing beats the release of dopamine (the "feel good" hormone), which you'll get on a good run. They don't call it "runner's high" for nothing. Extra points if you do it in the wilderness.
© NL Beeld
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- Sprinting is a whole new ball game when compared to regular running. It's an anaerobic discipline that works your fast-twitch fibers, your cardio, and even boosts your testosterone production. Doing it at the beach or on another soft terrain will ensure less impact on your joints.
© Getty Images
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- Sometimes you need lighter days, and you may well benefit from some light jogging around the neighborhood. Bring your bestie along and aim for distance; slow and steady.
© BrunoPress
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Skipping rope
- A staple in a boxer's routine, skipping rope not only is great cardio, but it also strengthens your shoulders and calves, so you can punch harder and move faster.
© Getty Images
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One-arm push-ups
- This is a great way to step up your push-up game. If you've never done these, prepare to be humbled. One-arm push-ups are really hard, but are worth the effort put in.
© Getty Images
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Speed bag
- Using a speed bag is a game of timing, coordination, endurance, and accuracy—all skills most of us will be happy to improve on.
© Getty Images
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Speed bag
- This exercise will completely destroy your arms and shoulders, but you'll reap the rewards, just like Rocky did.
© Getty Images
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- The barbell shoulder press, also known as the military press (when done standing), or simply the press, is one of the best upper-body exercises you can perform. It's a staple in most strength training routines for a reason. If you want shoulders of steel, then add the press to your workout.
© Getty Images
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Punching meat
- This might be a bit hard to pull off, unless you're a butcher. But if you happen to try this, at least wear boxing gloves. Doing so without your hands properly protected will likely end in injury.
© Getty Images
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Running up steps
- This one is a Rocky classic, and indeed a brutal addition to your exercise regime. Running up steps will combine cardio and strength. If your heart doesn't feel like it's about to explode and your legs feel like Jell-O, then you're doing it wrong!
© NL Beeld
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Chasing a chicken
- Remember when Mickey had Rocky chasing a chicken in 'Rocky II' (1979)? Well, apparently it's really good to improve footwork. So, if you're a boxer, or do any other sport that involves quick changes in direction, then this may be one for you.
© Shutterstock
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Hitting the pads
- If you're a boxer, this is one of the best ways to improve your skills. But hitting pads can also be a fun, and indeed challenging, exercise to add to your routine regardless. Thirty-second to one-minute rounds is plenty to get you started.
© Shutterstock
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- We can see Rocky smashing stuff with a sledgehammer at a junkyard in 'Rocky I' (1976), but you can do the same version Rocky does in 'Rocky Balboa' (2006) instead, and use a tire. Perform 10-15 swings, and then change your grip and swing the hammer over the opposite shoulder. Do these for three sets.
© Shutterstock
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- Sit-ups have been getting a bad rep in the last few years, as they may not be the most back-friendly ab exercise. If you have no back issues though, these are a great addition to your workout. If you want to take it to a different level, add a plate behind you neck, instead of holding it against your chest.
© Shutterstock
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Dragon flag
- Dragon flags are also a great exercise to get rock-hard abs like Rocky. This is an advanced bodyweight core exercise, but again, Rocky is no beginner. Can you do these?
© Shutterstock
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Sawing wood
- Ditch the chainsaw and do it with your hands. After you've cut the logs, split the wood with an axe. Extra points if you do it in the snow, like Rocky did in 'Rocky IV' (1985).
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Shadow boxing
- Shadow boxing is an essential part of Rocky's workout routine, and it should be part of yours, too. Not only will you train your boxing skills, but also your cardio and endurance. Start with three-minute rounds.
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Carrying a log
- Rocky likes to carry logs on his back. He does so while frog walking, and he does so walking in knee-deep snow. Start by stabilizing the weight and walking short distances, and take it from there.
© Shutterstock
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- Most of us don't associate Rocky with swimming, but he does so in 'Rocky III' (1982). You can't go wrong with any kind of swimming. It's low impact for your joints and can really take your cardio to the next level.
© Shutterstock
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Sled pulls
- Of course, Rocky being Rocky did these in the snow (with his trainer Mickey on top of the sled!). You can do regular ones. These will do wonders for strength, endurance, and hypertrophy. Don't' forget to change things up and walk backwards, too. And, of course, you can also push the sled.
© Shutterstock
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Medicine ball push-ups
- Take your bodyweight workout to a new level by adding these one-hand medicine ball push-ups, as seen in 'Rocky Balboa' (2006).
© Shutterstock
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Dumbbell uppercuts
- This is a great exercise, regardless of whether you're a boxer or not. Rocky did these while walking, which adds to the difficulty. Try it!
© Shutterstock
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- The squat is a staple in any strength and conditioning routine. We can see Rocky going heavy on these in 'Rocky Balboa' (2006).
© Shutterstock
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Bench press
- There is not much to say about the bench press, other than it being perhaps the most popular exercise in every gym around the world. Why? It's highly effective for upper body strength and size. Do you need more reasons to do it?
© Shutterstock
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Duck walk
- A duck walk is not the easiest exercise in the world, but the Italian Stallion took it to a whole new level by doing these with a massive log on his back! We'd suggest you do them unweighted first, and then slowly add some resistance. And by that we mean perhaps a dumbbell or kettlebell, not a tree log. At least, not yet! Sources: (The Art of Manliness) (Men's Journal) (Men's Health) See also: Rocky vs Rambo: Who wins?
© Shutterstock
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© ShutterstockGetty Images
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Workout gear
- First, you'll probably be pleased to know that you don't have to look like Rocky to train like Rocky. By all means wear gray workout clothes, but unless you have someone wrapping your hands professionally, stick to regular fabric hand wraps.
© BrunoPress
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Workout gear
- And perhaps it's a good idea to drop the Chucks for running.
© Getty Images
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Hitting the heavy bag
- Hitting the heavy bag is one of Rocky's favorite things to do. After all, he's a boxer. Try doing rounds of three minutes, and rest every 30 seconds. And, of course, ensure your hands are properly wrapped and that you're wearing boxing gloves.
© BrunoPress
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Stepping it up with the heavy bag
- Once you have mastered the brutality of the heavy bag workout, you can alternate between rounds with your arms tied with an elastic band (for extra resistance), and by having your workout buddy throwing the heavy bag at you. This way, you can train feints, too!
© Getty Images
4 / 32 Fotos
- Pull-ups are one of the best bodyweight exercises you can perform, and Rocky knew this. These will work wonders for you upper body, especially your forearms, biceps, and back. If you can't do enough reps, just use an elastic band to help you, and progress from there.
© BrunoPress
5 / 32 Fotos
- You can't go wrong with running. It's a simple and effective way to improve your cardiovascular health, among boasting other benefits. Of course, you can wear something more comfy than Rocky. And having you buddy or trainer cycling behind you shouting words of motivation is optional, too!
© Getty Images
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Trail running
- Nothing beats the release of dopamine (the "feel good" hormone), which you'll get on a good run. They don't call it "runner's high" for nothing. Extra points if you do it in the wilderness.
© NL Beeld
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- Sprinting is a whole new ball game when compared to regular running. It's an anaerobic discipline that works your fast-twitch fibers, your cardio, and even boosts your testosterone production. Doing it at the beach or on another soft terrain will ensure less impact on your joints.
© Getty Images
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- Sometimes you need lighter days, and you may well benefit from some light jogging around the neighborhood. Bring your bestie along and aim for distance; slow and steady.
© BrunoPress
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Skipping rope
- A staple in a boxer's routine, skipping rope not only is great cardio, but it also strengthens your shoulders and calves, so you can punch harder and move faster.
© Getty Images
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One-arm push-ups
- This is a great way to step up your push-up game. If you've never done these, prepare to be humbled. One-arm push-ups are really hard, but are worth the effort put in.
© Getty Images
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Speed bag
- Using a speed bag is a game of timing, coordination, endurance, and accuracy—all skills most of us will be happy to improve on.
© Getty Images
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Speed bag
- This exercise will completely destroy your arms and shoulders, but you'll reap the rewards, just like Rocky did.
© Getty Images
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- The barbell shoulder press, also known as the military press (when done standing), or simply the press, is one of the best upper-body exercises you can perform. It's a staple in most strength training routines for a reason. If you want shoulders of steel, then add the press to your workout.
© Getty Images
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Punching meat
- This might be a bit hard to pull off, unless you're a butcher. But if you happen to try this, at least wear boxing gloves. Doing so without your hands properly protected will likely end in injury.
© Getty Images
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Running up steps
- This one is a Rocky classic, and indeed a brutal addition to your exercise regime. Running up steps will combine cardio and strength. If your heart doesn't feel like it's about to explode and your legs feel like Jell-O, then you're doing it wrong!
© NL Beeld
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Chasing a chicken
- Remember when Mickey had Rocky chasing a chicken in 'Rocky II' (1979)? Well, apparently it's really good to improve footwork. So, if you're a boxer, or do any other sport that involves quick changes in direction, then this may be one for you.
© Shutterstock
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Hitting the pads
- If you're a boxer, this is one of the best ways to improve your skills. But hitting pads can also be a fun, and indeed challenging, exercise to add to your routine regardless. Thirty-second to one-minute rounds is plenty to get you started.
© Shutterstock
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- We can see Rocky smashing stuff with a sledgehammer at a junkyard in 'Rocky I' (1976), but you can do the same version Rocky does in 'Rocky Balboa' (2006) instead, and use a tire. Perform 10-15 swings, and then change your grip and swing the hammer over the opposite shoulder. Do these for three sets.
© Shutterstock
19 / 32 Fotos
- Sit-ups have been getting a bad rep in the last few years, as they may not be the most back-friendly ab exercise. If you have no back issues though, these are a great addition to your workout. If you want to take it to a different level, add a plate behind you neck, instead of holding it against your chest.
© Shutterstock
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Dragon flag
- Dragon flags are also a great exercise to get rock-hard abs like Rocky. This is an advanced bodyweight core exercise, but again, Rocky is no beginner. Can you do these?
© Shutterstock
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Sawing wood
- Ditch the chainsaw and do it with your hands. After you've cut the logs, split the wood with an axe. Extra points if you do it in the snow, like Rocky did in 'Rocky IV' (1985).
© Shutterstock
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Shadow boxing
- Shadow boxing is an essential part of Rocky's workout routine, and it should be part of yours, too. Not only will you train your boxing skills, but also your cardio and endurance. Start with three-minute rounds.
© Shutterstock
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Carrying a log
- Rocky likes to carry logs on his back. He does so while frog walking, and he does so walking in knee-deep snow. Start by stabilizing the weight and walking short distances, and take it from there.
© Shutterstock
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- Most of us don't associate Rocky with swimming, but he does so in 'Rocky III' (1982). You can't go wrong with any kind of swimming. It's low impact for your joints and can really take your cardio to the next level.
© Shutterstock
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Sled pulls
- Of course, Rocky being Rocky did these in the snow (with his trainer Mickey on top of the sled!). You can do regular ones. These will do wonders for strength, endurance, and hypertrophy. Don't' forget to change things up and walk backwards, too. And, of course, you can also push the sled.
© Shutterstock
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Medicine ball push-ups
- Take your bodyweight workout to a new level by adding these one-hand medicine ball push-ups, as seen in 'Rocky Balboa' (2006).
© Shutterstock
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Dumbbell uppercuts
- This is a great exercise, regardless of whether you're a boxer or not. Rocky did these while walking, which adds to the difficulty. Try it!
© Shutterstock
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- The squat is a staple in any strength and conditioning routine. We can see Rocky going heavy on these in 'Rocky Balboa' (2006).
© Shutterstock
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Bench press
- There is not much to say about the bench press, other than it being perhaps the most popular exercise in every gym around the world. Why? It's highly effective for upper body strength and size. Do you need more reasons to do it?
© Shutterstock
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Duck walk
- A duck walk is not the easiest exercise in the world, but the Italian Stallion took it to a whole new level by doing these with a massive log on his back! We'd suggest you do them unweighted first, and then slowly add some resistance. And by that we mean perhaps a dumbbell or kettlebell, not a tree log. At least, not yet! Sources: (The Art of Manliness) (Men's Journal) (Men's Health) See also: Rocky vs Rambo: Who wins?
© Shutterstock
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How to train (and look) like Rocky
Here's Rocky's workout routine!
© BrunoPress
It's safe to say that Rocky Balboa is the most famous boxer in cinema. Sylvester Stallone's character is indeed iconic. Ever since 1976, we have followed the life and struggles of Rocky from the mean streets of Philadelphia to the boxing world stage. To achieve such victories, Rocky had to be in top-notch form. Guided by his trainer Mickey Goldmill (Burgess Meredith), Rocky worked out like a champ to become a champ. But is this possible for you?
If you've always wanted to give Rocky Balboa's training a go, then this is your chance. In this gallery, we list many of the exercises Rocky performed in the movies, so that he could get in shape to step into the ring and win his fights. So, ready to be inspired? Then click on!

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