The curse of remembering everything

The rare ability of "total recall" comes with fascinating—and terrible—traits

Stars Insider

21/06/24 | StarsInsider


We've all been in situations where we wished we had perfect memory—whether it's to remember where you put something now lost, or to ace tests we studied hard for, or to be incontestable in an argument over what someone said. But a rare group of people actually have this ability.

Hyperthymesia is an ability that allows people to remember nearly every event of their life with immense precision. But while it’s easy to think of the advantages of this kind of memory, there are also many downfalls and complex issues associated with it. Despite how uncommon it is (there are only around 62 recorded cases), the world has in recent years paid greater attention to people with this ability, and we now have more information about this seeming superpower.

Intrigued? Click through to learn more about people who have hyperthymesia.

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