Reye's syndrome: The illness that affects children

How can children prevent it?

Stars Insider

31/10/24 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Disorders

As with adults, children are prone to catching viruses. From a cold to chicken pox, there are many viruses that are common for young people to contract. Much less common, however, is for children and teenagers to develop Reye's syndrome during the post-viral stage. This rare but serious condition causes swelling in the body and brain, which, if left untreated, can be deadly.

For years, very little was understood about Reye's syndrome, which unfortunately meant that it was often fatal. But thanks to developments in diagnosing and treating the condition, this is no longer the case.

Further research is still required, of course, to fully understand how Reye's syndrome works and how it can be avoided altogether. For now, read on to learn all about this disorder.

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