Interoception: the little-known sixth sense that looks inward

This sense looks inside the body rather than outside

Stars Insider

10/01/25 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Science

When we think of our senses, the main ones that come to mind are sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing. All of these senses reflect the body’s ability to respond to external stimuli. But what about responding to what’s happening inside our bodies? That’s where interoception comes in.

Interoception is one of several “new” senses that are now at the forefront of scientific and medical research. Interoception is a particularly hot topic because we’re starting to understand just how much it impacts our well-being. If you don’t recognize the physical signals the body gives off when you’re experiencing anxiety, then how can you take steps to calm it?

Click through this gallery to learn about interoception, and how it can be used to improve mental health.

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