How lockdown affects libido, and what you can do about it

Love in the time of coronavirus

Stars Insider

04/12/20 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Pandemic

If you've noticed some drastic changes in your libido lately, you're not alone. In this time of pandemic, our entire lives are being restructured, so it's no wonder our sex lives have been dragged into it.

The stress alone surrounding survival—from housing and finances, to health and loss—may seem to push sex to the bottom of the list of priorities, but sex can be an enlivening aspect of the human experience that could actually help ease the fear and despair. That said, chronic stress plays out differently for everyone, resulting in a major loss of sex drive for some, or a greater hunger than ever before for others, only adding to the already tricky dynamic of couples in quarantine.

Click through to learn more about how and why lockdown is affecting your libido, and some tips to help get past it.

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