How to talk to your kids about the coronavirus

Manage children's levels of anxiety, and make them feel safe

Stars Insider

24/03/20 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Covid-19

We are living in challenging times. COVID-19 has now spread to most of the planet and people are not quite sure what the future holds. It's perfectly normal to feel anxious about this situation, but we as adults can differentiate between fact and fiction—we can become informed about the new coronavirus from reliable sources and feel more in control. Children, on the other hand, are not quite so equipped to live through situations like these. So it is our role, as responsible adults, to ensure the well-being of our children and try to ease any discomfort this situation might cause them.

In this gallery, we go through some key steps that will help you manage the situation with your kids. From dealing with fear and anxiety, to making things a bit less boring at home, we share some valuable tips with you. Click through to learn more.

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