© Getty Images
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You bite your nails - Nail-biting is a sure way to get germs into your body.
© Shutterstock
1 / 31 Fotos
You don't wash your hands properly - We all know how important it is to wash our hands, but many of us rush the process. Use soap, warm water, and wash them thoroughly for at least 20 seconds.
© Shutterstock
2 / 31 Fotos
You don't drink enough water
- Not drinking enough water puts you at risk of dehydration, which negatively impacts your body's ability to process and flush out toxins, weakening your immune system.
© Shutterstock
3 / 31 Fotos
You're under a lot of stress at work - Chronic stress can make you more vulnerable to developing diseases. If you're experiencing burnout, you're more susceptible to catching a cold.
© Shutterstock
4 / 31 Fotos
You consume too much sugar - A diet rich in sugar is detrimental to your health in general. This includes a negative impact in gut bacteria, which plays a vital role in your immune system.
© Shutterstock
5 / 31 Fotos
You don't change your clothes when you get home - Did you know that if a sick person coughs or sneezes around you, their saliva or mucous can hang on to your clothes? Do we need to say more?
© Shutterstock
6 / 31 Fotos
You don't hug - Hugging has an anti-stress effect. According to a study, snuggling can actually ward off colds. Just maybe don't do it with anyone that currently has a cold.
© Shutterstock
7 / 31 Fotos
You're using the wrong soap/hand sanitizer
- Antibacterial soap can actually kill good bacteria and lead to bacterial resistance. Colds are caused by viruses, and not bacteria, so opt for regular soap and water.
© Getty Images
8 / 31 Fotos
You always have a drink or two
- You might think that alcohol makes you sleep better, but it actually affects deep REM sleep. Loss of quality sleep can have a negative impact on your immune system.
© Getty Images
9 / 31 Fotos
You're obsessed with cleaning - Being a clean freak will not do you any favors when it comes to preventing a cold. Constantly cleaning your hands, for instance, will break down your skin, a living organ that is supposed to protect you from harmful germs.
© Shutterstock
10 / 31 Fotos
You take the elevator - Elevator buttons are touched by lots of people, so they're covered in germs. Not only that, but by taking the elevator you will be less active, and exercise can help you fight against viruses.
© Shutterstock
11 / 31 Fotos
You workout too much - While exercising is beneficial for your health, too much of it can be detrimental. The constant release of stress hormones following exercise can increase your risk of catching a cold.
© Shutterstock
12 / 31 Fotos
You try other people's food
- Unless it's someone you're intimate with, avoid sharing drinks or food. You're putting yourself at risk of also sharing germs.
© Shutterstock
13 / 31 Fotos
You skip breakfast - Unless you're doing so as part of a controlled diet (e.g. intermittent fasting), skipping breakfast can affect your energy levels throughout the day and consequently make you more vulnerable to catching a cold.
© Shutterstock
14 / 31 Fotos
You hang on to the handrails - In addition to ATM buttons and shopping cart handles, these are some of the most germ-filled objects you can touch.
© Shutterstock
15 / 31 Fotos
You don't clean gym equipment before using it - Whenever possible, try to wipe down the machines at your gym before using them.
© Shutterstock
16 / 31 Fotos
You smoke or hang around smokers
- We all know how smoking exposes us to a number of toxins. With secondhand smoking it's no different.
© Shutterstock
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You have limited sun exposure - If you don't get enough sun, you're likely to develop vitamin D deficiency. If you are unable to catch enough rays, supplementation can also be effective.
© Shutterstock
18 / 31 Fotos
You're skipping yoga - Doing yoga can improve your breathing and decrease your stress levels, among other benefits. All of which have a positive impact on your resistance to colds.
© Shutterstock
19 / 31 Fotos
You eat at your desk - Your keyboard, mouse, and desk are usually full of germs. Why would you want to eat in such a dirty place?
© Shutterstock
20 / 31 Fotos
You lack probiotics in your diet - We've mentioned previously how important it is to keep your gut bacteria in check. Probiotics help maintain healthy gut flora.
© Shutterstock
21 / 31 Fotos
You don't get enough sleep - If you binge-watch Netflix at night, for instance, you'll probably end up cutting hours out of your sleep. You'll be tired and your immune system will be weaker. This means that your body is less effective at fighting infections.
© Shutterstock
22 / 31 Fotos
You're not controlling your breathing - If someone passes you and sneezes or coughs, breathe out and then only breathe in after they pass.
© Shutterstock
23 / 31 Fotos
You eat junk food on a regular basis
- A diet rich in processed foods is likely to increase inflammation in the body and have an impact on your intestinal flora. Both of these factors make you more vulnerable to catching a cold.
© Shutterstock
24 / 31 Fotos
You talk too close to people - Avoid coming into close proximity of people who clearly have a cold. In general, it's always safer to keep some distance when you're talking to people.
© Shutterstock
25 / 31 Fotos
You go to the mall on busy days - Some days are more crowded than others at the mall (e.g. weekends). Avoid sharing a closed area with lots of people, as you're more likely to come in contact with germs.
© Shutterstock
26 / 31 Fotos
You don't clean germ-filled objects - Your keyboard, phone, as well as light switches and doorknobs, should be cleaned on a regular basis.
© Shutterstock
27 / 31 Fotos
You shake hands constantly
- Cold viruses can be spread through human contact, so maybe you can try to avoid handshakes, particularly with those who are sick. If you can't avoid them, wash your hands afterwards and don't touch your face, eyes, or mouth.
© Getty Images
28 / 31 Fotos
You don't use your own pen - Despite technological advancements, we still use pens, but most of us no longer carry them. Think about how many people share pens nowadays, including those carrying cold germs.
© Shutterstock
29 / 31 Fotos
You don't use a humidifier
- Dry air may block your nasal passages, so using a humidifier in your room might help. Also, learn Helpful ways to deal with chronic pain
© Shutterstock
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© Getty Images
0 / 31 Fotos
You bite your nails - Nail-biting is a sure way to get germs into your body.
© Shutterstock
1 / 31 Fotos
You don't wash your hands properly - We all know how important it is to wash our hands, but many of us rush the process. Use soap, warm water, and wash them thoroughly for at least 20 seconds.
© Shutterstock
2 / 31 Fotos
You don't drink enough water
- Not drinking enough water puts you at risk of dehydration, which negatively impacts your body's ability to process and flush out toxins, weakening your immune system.
© Shutterstock
3 / 31 Fotos
You're under a lot of stress at work - Chronic stress can make you more vulnerable to developing diseases. If you're experiencing burnout, you're more susceptible to catching a cold.
© Shutterstock
4 / 31 Fotos
You consume too much sugar - A diet rich in sugar is detrimental to your health in general. This includes a negative impact in gut bacteria, which plays a vital role in your immune system.
© Shutterstock
5 / 31 Fotos
You don't change your clothes when you get home - Did you know that if a sick person coughs or sneezes around you, their saliva or mucous can hang on to your clothes? Do we need to say more?
© Shutterstock
6 / 31 Fotos
You don't hug - Hugging has an anti-stress effect. According to a study, snuggling can actually ward off colds. Just maybe don't do it with anyone that currently has a cold.
© Shutterstock
7 / 31 Fotos
You're using the wrong soap/hand sanitizer
- Antibacterial soap can actually kill good bacteria and lead to bacterial resistance. Colds are caused by viruses, and not bacteria, so opt for regular soap and water.
© Getty Images
8 / 31 Fotos
You always have a drink or two
- You might think that alcohol makes you sleep better, but it actually affects deep REM sleep. Loss of quality sleep can have a negative impact on your immune system.
© Getty Images
9 / 31 Fotos
You're obsessed with cleaning - Being a clean freak will not do you any favors when it comes to preventing a cold. Constantly cleaning your hands, for instance, will break down your skin, a living organ that is supposed to protect you from harmful germs.
© Shutterstock
10 / 31 Fotos
You take the elevator - Elevator buttons are touched by lots of people, so they're covered in germs. Not only that, but by taking the elevator you will be less active, and exercise can help you fight against viruses.
© Shutterstock
11 / 31 Fotos
You workout too much - While exercising is beneficial for your health, too much of it can be detrimental. The constant release of stress hormones following exercise can increase your risk of catching a cold.
© Shutterstock
12 / 31 Fotos
You try other people's food
- Unless it's someone you're intimate with, avoid sharing drinks or food. You're putting yourself at risk of also sharing germs.
© Shutterstock
13 / 31 Fotos
You skip breakfast - Unless you're doing so as part of a controlled diet (e.g. intermittent fasting), skipping breakfast can affect your energy levels throughout the day and consequently make you more vulnerable to catching a cold.
© Shutterstock
14 / 31 Fotos
You hang on to the handrails - In addition to ATM buttons and shopping cart handles, these are some of the most germ-filled objects you can touch.
© Shutterstock
15 / 31 Fotos
You don't clean gym equipment before using it - Whenever possible, try to wipe down the machines at your gym before using them.
© Shutterstock
16 / 31 Fotos
You smoke or hang around smokers
- We all know how smoking exposes us to a number of toxins. With secondhand smoking it's no different.
© Shutterstock
17 / 31 Fotos
You have limited sun exposure - If you don't get enough sun, you're likely to develop vitamin D deficiency. If you are unable to catch enough rays, supplementation can also be effective.
© Shutterstock
18 / 31 Fotos
You're skipping yoga - Doing yoga can improve your breathing and decrease your stress levels, among other benefits. All of which have a positive impact on your resistance to colds.
© Shutterstock
19 / 31 Fotos
You eat at your desk - Your keyboard, mouse, and desk are usually full of germs. Why would you want to eat in such a dirty place?
© Shutterstock
20 / 31 Fotos
You lack probiotics in your diet - We've mentioned previously how important it is to keep your gut bacteria in check. Probiotics help maintain healthy gut flora.
© Shutterstock
21 / 31 Fotos
You don't get enough sleep - If you binge-watch Netflix at night, for instance, you'll probably end up cutting hours out of your sleep. You'll be tired and your immune system will be weaker. This means that your body is less effective at fighting infections.
© Shutterstock
22 / 31 Fotos
You're not controlling your breathing - If someone passes you and sneezes or coughs, breathe out and then only breathe in after they pass.
© Shutterstock
23 / 31 Fotos
You eat junk food on a regular basis
- A diet rich in processed foods is likely to increase inflammation in the body and have an impact on your intestinal flora. Both of these factors make you more vulnerable to catching a cold.
© Shutterstock
24 / 31 Fotos
You talk too close to people - Avoid coming into close proximity of people who clearly have a cold. In general, it's always safer to keep some distance when you're talking to people.
© Shutterstock
25 / 31 Fotos
You go to the mall on busy days - Some days are more crowded than others at the mall (e.g. weekends). Avoid sharing a closed area with lots of people, as you're more likely to come in contact with germs.
© Shutterstock
26 / 31 Fotos
You don't clean germ-filled objects - Your keyboard, phone, as well as light switches and doorknobs, should be cleaned on a regular basis.
© Shutterstock
27 / 31 Fotos
You shake hands constantly
- Cold viruses can be spread through human contact, so maybe you can try to avoid handshakes, particularly with those who are sick. If you can't avoid them, wash your hands afterwards and don't touch your face, eyes, or mouth.
© Getty Images
28 / 31 Fotos
You don't use your own pen - Despite technological advancements, we still use pens, but most of us no longer carry them. Think about how many people share pens nowadays, including those carrying cold germs.
© Shutterstock
29 / 31 Fotos
You don't use a humidifier
- Dry air may block your nasal passages, so using a humidifier in your room might help. Also, learn Helpful ways to deal with chronic pain
© Shutterstock
30 / 31 Fotos
Warning: These habits could increase your risk of getting sick
Ward off sickness with these tips
© Getty Images
We are all blessed with immune systems that fight off invaders at all times, but some viruses do manage to make it through and infect us. Catching a cold is something many of us experience every year, but it doesn't have to be this way.
There are a number of daily habits (that many of us are guilty of) that we never realized were harming our health. Luckily, there's a few simple changes that can make us less likely to catch the dreaded cold, and in this gallery you'll learn all about them.
Click through and see how you can prevent yourself from catching a cold.

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