The four humors: what the ancient Greeks can teach us about mental health

Are your humors balanced?

Stars Insider

18/11/24 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Humorism

Ancient medical practices are usually frowned upon by modern society. The history of medicine is tainted by bizarre procedures, unscientific claims, and general medical quackery. But it turns out, the Greeks were onto something.

The Ancient Greeks were pioneers in a number of areas, from philosophy to sports and medicine. And while many medical theories are flawed by today's standards, there are always lessons to be learned.

You have probably heard someone complaining about a person's temperament, right? The concept is engraved in our culture, but do you know where these temperaments come from and what they really mean?

In this gallery we'll look at the four humors (which translate into four temperaments) and the lessons we can take from this proto-psychological theory. Click through the gallery to learn more. 

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