How exercise can boost your sex life

Do you need more reasons to exercise?

Stars Insider

19/02/24 | StarsInsider


Early humans were concerned about one thing, and one thing only—survival. For centuries, our ancestors had to ensure the survival of our species. How did they do this? They ensured the basics were covered: shelter, food, water, and, of course—sex.

Since the dawn of time, humans have been moving, searching for the best locations to settle, running away from beasts, hunting animals, carrying and building things. All these things made us who we are are now. Movement is part of the human experience, without movement we would have most likely gone extinct a long time ago.

Fast forward a few centuries, we no longer move as much, and we no longer need to worry (as much) about the survival of our species. We have never been as sedentary as we are now, our diets have never been so full of chemicals, and our sex lives are suffering the consequences.  

Because we’re no longer chasing lions, we need to do something about our lack of physical activity. We need to exercise our bodies and mind, regulate our metabolism, increase blood flow, sweat, and ensure we stay healthy. Our sex lives are impacted by our levels of fitness. Think about it: how many times have you felt tired of holding a position during sex, or ran out of stamina to keep going?

We all want great sex, and the path to great sex lies in the relationship between our bodies and minds, and one of the best ways to address both sides of the equation is to exercise. As the old Latin saying goes "mens sana in corpore sano" which translates to "a healthy mind in a healthy body."

Click through the gallery and learn more on how exercise can improve your sex life.

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