First new asthma treatment in half a century revealed

Researchers call it a potential "game-changer"

Stars Insider

06/01/25 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Well-being

Researchers have announced the first new asthma attack treatment in 50 years. The treatment, an injection called benralizumab, targets an overactive part of the immune system that drives severe flare-ups of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Currently used in the most severe cases, new findings suggest benralizumab could be routinely used to manage around two million asthma attacks annually in the UK alone.

Asthma affects around 300 million people worldwide, requiring careful management to control symptoms and reduce the risk of attacks. While there is no cure, identifying key triggers and adopting proper management strategies can help individuals lead normal, active lives. Now, click through this gallery to learn more about asthma.

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