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The seven chakras
- There are seven chakras in the body, and each one is associated with a particular color that emits a unique energetic vibration.
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The seven chakras
- Certain foods support the health of each chakra. By taking a mindful, chakra-balancing approach to eating, you can help your chakras align with the energy of the foods you consume.
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Root chakra
- Located at the base of the spine, our root chakra, known as muladhara, is connected to our sense of grounding and stability.
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Root chakra element: earth
- It's associated with the color red, and the earth element. The earth element creates structure, and represents our foundation in life.
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Groundedness, stability, security
- The root chakra is most easily stabilized with food, as food comes from the earth. Foods that contain a high amount of earth energy help support this chakra.
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Root chakra-balancing foods
- Red color foods will help support this chakra, foods such as pomegranates, raspberries, strawberries, and tomatoes. Root vegetables such as beets, potatoes, and onions, and earthly spices such as ginger and turmeric, are also beneficial for the root chakra.
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Sacral chakra
- The sacral chakra, or svadhishthana, is located in the lower abdomen, below the navel. It's said to be the center for the vital life force, or prana.
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Sacral chakra element: water
- Associated with the color orange, the sacral chakra is nonetheless governed by water energy. It governs emotions, senses, intimacy, and connection.
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- It's the center of creativity, passion, and emotional flow. To help rebalance and nourish this part of the body, eating orange color foods will help.
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Sacral chakra-balancing foods
- Foods like mangos, oranges, apricots, nectarines, persimmons, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash will help rebalance this chakra.
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Solar plexus chakra
- The third chakra, the solar plexus or manipura, is located in the abdomen near the diaphragm and behind the aorta. It helps regulate the body's stress response.
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Solar plexus element: fire
- It's associated with the color yellow, and the element of fire. When balanced, the solar plexus creates a sense of purpose and direction.
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Personal power
- The energy of the third chakra contributes to self-will, self-control, ambition, confidence, self-worth and transformation.
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Solar plexus-balancing foods
- Yellow foods like lemons, yellow peppers, corn, bananas, and pineapples will help this chakra. Whole grain, complex carbs will also help this chakra, such as oats, quinoa, and brown rice, as well as sunflower seeds.
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Heart chakra
- The fourth chakra, anahata, is known as the heart chakra. It's located in the center of the chest and is one of the easiest chakras to nourish in the body, as there are so many foods that support it.
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Heart chakra element: air
- The heart chakra is associated with the color green and the air element. It allows you to feel for others, and yourself.
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Expansion, compassion, love
- When healthy, the heart chakra vibrates with the energy of love, compassion, and harmony. Consuming dry (astringent) and bitter foods will help support the health of this chakra.
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Heart chakra-balancing foods
- Broccoli, kiwis, green grapes, green apples, celery, and limes are all wonderful heart chakra foods. Kale, lettuce, spinach, and green lentils are also supportive. Herbal teas like chamomile and mint can also help balance this chakra.
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Throat chakra
- The fifth chakra, vishuddha, is the throat chakra. It's located in the middle of the neck, and allows you to speak your truth clearly and kindly.
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Element: ether
- It's associated with the color blue, and the ether element (also known as akasha, or space). When it's balanced, you speak with authority and conviction.
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Expression, communication
- This chakra houses the energy of communication (both verbal and in writing), honesty, integrity, expression, and openness.
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Throat chakra-balancing foods
- Blueberries, blackberries, figs, spirulina, coconut water, honey, and herbal teas will help support and detoxify the throat chakra.
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Upper two chakras: element of light
- The two upper chakras—the third eye and the crown chakras—are both associated with the element of light, and with the cosmic realm.
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Third eye chakra
- The sixth chakra, ajna, is known as the third eye chakra. It's located in the place between your two eyebrows, is associated with the color indigo, and is activated by spending short periods of time in the sunlight.
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Perception and intuition
- The third eye is the seat of intuition in the body. When aligned, your perception is sharp, embodying wise, divine feminine energy.
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Third eye foods
- The third eye receives a boost from purple-tinted foods such as grapes, figs, eggplants, purple kale, purple cabbage, plums, purple potatoes, and lavender tea, as well as cacao.
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Crown chakra
- The seventh chakra, sahaswara, is known as the crown chakra. It's located at the top of the head, and is associated with the color violet and pure consciousness.
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Connection to the divine
- The crown is the body's hub for connection with formless being. Supporting this chakra takes the means of fasting. By pausing the flow of food, you help the body flush out toxins, clear your mind, and boost energy.
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Crown chakra scents
- This chakra is not supported by foods, but meditation, and using scents like sage, frankincense, lavender, and juniper, as well as consuming natural spring water and herbal teas, will help it function optimally. Breathing fresh air and spending time in light is also helpful to this chakra. Sources: (Chopra) (The Daily Dish) See also: The power of healing crystals
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The seven chakras
- There are seven chakras in the body, and each one is associated with a particular color that emits a unique energetic vibration.
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The seven chakras
- Certain foods support the health of each chakra. By taking a mindful, chakra-balancing approach to eating, you can help your chakras align with the energy of the foods you consume.
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Root chakra
- Located at the base of the spine, our root chakra, known as muladhara, is connected to our sense of grounding and stability.
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Root chakra element: earth
- It's associated with the color red, and the earth element. The earth element creates structure, and represents our foundation in life.
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Groundedness, stability, security
- The root chakra is most easily stabilized with food, as food comes from the earth. Foods that contain a high amount of earth energy help support this chakra.
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Root chakra-balancing foods
- Red color foods will help support this chakra, foods such as pomegranates, raspberries, strawberries, and tomatoes. Root vegetables such as beets, potatoes, and onions, and earthly spices such as ginger and turmeric, are also beneficial for the root chakra.
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Sacral chakra
- The sacral chakra, or svadhishthana, is located in the lower abdomen, below the navel. It's said to be the center for the vital life force, or prana.
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Sacral chakra element: water
- Associated with the color orange, the sacral chakra is nonetheless governed by water energy. It governs emotions, senses, intimacy, and connection.
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- It's the center of creativity, passion, and emotional flow. To help rebalance and nourish this part of the body, eating orange color foods will help.
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Sacral chakra-balancing foods
- Foods like mangos, oranges, apricots, nectarines, persimmons, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash will help rebalance this chakra.
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Solar plexus chakra
- The third chakra, the solar plexus or manipura, is located in the abdomen near the diaphragm and behind the aorta. It helps regulate the body's stress response.
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Solar plexus element: fire
- It's associated with the color yellow, and the element of fire. When balanced, the solar plexus creates a sense of purpose and direction.
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Personal power
- The energy of the third chakra contributes to self-will, self-control, ambition, confidence, self-worth and transformation.
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Solar plexus-balancing foods
- Yellow foods like lemons, yellow peppers, corn, bananas, and pineapples will help this chakra. Whole grain, complex carbs will also help this chakra, such as oats, quinoa, and brown rice, as well as sunflower seeds.
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Heart chakra
- The fourth chakra, anahata, is known as the heart chakra. It's located in the center of the chest and is one of the easiest chakras to nourish in the body, as there are so many foods that support it.
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Heart chakra element: air
- The heart chakra is associated with the color green and the air element. It allows you to feel for others, and yourself.
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Expansion, compassion, love
- When healthy, the heart chakra vibrates with the energy of love, compassion, and harmony. Consuming dry (astringent) and bitter foods will help support the health of this chakra.
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Heart chakra-balancing foods
- Broccoli, kiwis, green grapes, green apples, celery, and limes are all wonderful heart chakra foods. Kale, lettuce, spinach, and green lentils are also supportive. Herbal teas like chamomile and mint can also help balance this chakra.
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Throat chakra
- The fifth chakra, vishuddha, is the throat chakra. It's located in the middle of the neck, and allows you to speak your truth clearly and kindly.
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Element: ether
- It's associated with the color blue, and the ether element (also known as akasha, or space). When it's balanced, you speak with authority and conviction.
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Expression, communication
- This chakra houses the energy of communication (both verbal and in writing), honesty, integrity, expression, and openness.
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Throat chakra-balancing foods
- Blueberries, blackberries, figs, spirulina, coconut water, honey, and herbal teas will help support and detoxify the throat chakra.
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Upper two chakras: element of light
- The two upper chakras—the third eye and the crown chakras—are both associated with the element of light, and with the cosmic realm.
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Third eye chakra
- The sixth chakra, ajna, is known as the third eye chakra. It's located in the place between your two eyebrows, is associated with the color indigo, and is activated by spending short periods of time in the sunlight.
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Perception and intuition
- The third eye is the seat of intuition in the body. When aligned, your perception is sharp, embodying wise, divine feminine energy.
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Third eye foods
- The third eye receives a boost from purple-tinted foods such as grapes, figs, eggplants, purple kale, purple cabbage, plums, purple potatoes, and lavender tea, as well as cacao.
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Crown chakra
- The seventh chakra, sahaswara, is known as the crown chakra. It's located at the top of the head, and is associated with the color violet and pure consciousness.
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Connection to the divine
- The crown is the body's hub for connection with formless being. Supporting this chakra takes the means of fasting. By pausing the flow of food, you help the body flush out toxins, clear your mind, and boost energy.
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Crown chakra scents
- This chakra is not supported by foods, but meditation, and using scents like sage, frankincense, lavender, and juniper, as well as consuming natural spring water and herbal teas, will help it function optimally. Breathing fresh air and spending time in light is also helpful to this chakra. Sources: (Chopra) (The Daily Dish) See also: The power of healing crystals
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Balance your chakras with these foods
Do you eat any of these already?
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Our chakra system is a collection of seven distinct energies, concentrated in different parts of the body. When energy flows freely through the chakras, we have plenty of energy and we feel revitalized, capable of facing whatever life brings our way. But with our modern lifestyle, it's all too easy for one, or more than one, of these centers to become blocked, and it can show up in our lives as emotional or physical issues. Luckily, there are foods you can eat to support each chakra so that the energy of that center is supported.
Curious? Click on to discover the chakra-balancing foods you need to know about.

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