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0 / 30 Fotos
Takes just one hour
- The human body can process one standard-sized drink in just one hour. The consequences of consuming two or three drinks in the same timeframe can be imagined.
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1 / 30 Fotos
Activates dopamine
- Alcohol in the brain stimulates the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to joy and contentment, which clarifies why individuals experience heightened happiness after consuming a glass or two.
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2 / 30 Fotos
Excessive drinking is harmful
- Binge drinking is defined as consuming four or more drinks within two hours for women, and five or more drinks within two hours for men. Potential consequences include heightened anxiety and a greater susceptibility to breast cancer.
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3 / 30 Fotos
It is not beneficial for brain cells
- Consider exploring alternative methods of relaxation rather than turning to a beer for post-work unwinding. Consistently consuming one to two cans nightly may lead to memory impairment and a decrease in brain size. This explains its classification as a depressant, given its ability to hinder brain activity.
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4 / 30 Fotos
Reduced colds
- Research indicates that consuming an appropriate quantity of either white or red wine can reduce the likelihood of developing a common cold.
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5 / 30 Fotos
Alcohol may have benefits for a sore throat
- When you have a sore throat, try gargling whiskey instead of taking a lozenge. It will alleviate the pain.
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Muscle up!
- Muscles possess a greater capacity to absorb alcohol than fat, resulting in individuals with more muscles and less body fat having an increased resilience to alcohol.
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7 / 30 Fotos
It can help you solve problems
- Research has revealed that individuals with a blood alcohol content of 0.075 percent demonstrated enhanced problem-solving abilities, including tasks like furniture assembly instructions or crosswords. Therefore, consider indulging in a beer for a potential cognitive boost!
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8 / 30 Fotos
You may require a toilet
- Drinking alcohol not only increases urination but also can cause diarrhea. This occurs because alcohol disrupts the large intestine's water absorption function, leading to loose stool.
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Moderate consumption of red wine is thought to have positive effects on cardiovascular health
- Resveratrol, found in red wine, aids in managing cholesterol, preventing vascular harm, and halting blood clots.
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10 / 30 Fotos
Withdrawal symptoms are real
- Ultimately, alcohol is a substance that acts as a drug. Consequently, your body may undergo certain withdrawal symptoms based on your regular consumption. Such symptoms encompass twitching, anxiety, cold sweats, and sleep difficulties. Therefore, if you are reducing alcohol intake, it is advisable to gradually decrease to minimize the impact of withdrawal.
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Different impact on males and females
- Alcohol affects men and women differently. Men have a higher likelihood of drinking alcohol than women, but women experience more severe health consequences from long-term alcohol use compared to men.
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12 / 30 Fotos
Culture plays a key role in alcohol consumption
- A study in Italy investigated family drinking habits and found that Italians who consumed alcohol during family meals in their childhood were less inclined to have detrimental drinking behaviors in the future.
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Contains ethanol
- Alcoholic drinks consist of ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol. It is the sole form of alcohol that can be consumed without causing significant harm to the body.
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Alcohol's impact on health
- When ethanol enters your bloodstream, it circulates through the cells in your brain, heart, and other organs, causing the effects of alcohol.
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Reduced alcohol leads to pleasant dreams
- Alcohol may cause unconsciousness, but it reduces sleep quality by 40%. Therefore, consider replacing your evening cocktail with a cup of herbal tea.
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Alcohol remains in your system for around 12 hours
- If you consumed a few glasses of wine before going to bed, it is advisable to refrain from driving once you wake up, as the alcohol will likely still be present in your bloodstream.
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17 / 30 Fotos
Beer served as payment for Egyptian laborers
- Evidence suggests that builders of the Great Pyramids of Giza were compensated with beer, an idea that surely lifted spirits under scorching conditions.
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Excessive alcohol harms the heart's condition
- Regularly consuming alcohol can elevate the chances of developing atrial fibrillation, a medical condition that heightens the risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke.
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19 / 30 Fotos
Alcohol can still be an issue even if you can hold your liquor
- It's possible that if you can consume alcohol without experiencing its effects, it may indicate that you're building alcohol tolerance. As time goes on, this could potentially lead to the development of alcohol use disorder (AUD).
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Drinking alcohol is a timeless tradition
- China has discovered residues from a very old alcoholic drink dating back to 7,000 to 6,600 BCE. Quite ancient!
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Hormones can affect hangovers
- Hormonal fluctuations can result in unpleasant symptoms after consuming alcohol, such as increased urination that may cause dehydration.
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- Many people have experienced hangovers after consuming a large amount of alcohol the day or night prior. Hangovers result from chemical byproducts produced during alcohol metabolism in the body.
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Underage consumption
- Studies have discovered that teenagers who begin consuming alcohol prior to the age of 15 have an increased likelihood of developing alcohol addiction in the future.
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It's processed in the liver
- The liver is well aware of the impact alcohol has on it, as that's where it goes through the process. This organ utilizes enzymes to effectively convert ethanol into acetaldehyde and acetate.
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25 / 30 Fotos
Be cautious with dark liquors if you want to avoid hangovers
- Opt for white or clear liquors instead of dark ones (like red wine or whiskey) to reduce the likelihood of experiencing a harsh hangover. This simple choice can help minimize the chances of a post-drinking headache.
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Women are more likely to die from alcohol-related causes than men
- Women with alcohol dependence have a higher likelihood of succumbing to alcohol-related causes compared to men with alcohol dependence.
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27 / 30 Fotos
Sugar cravings
- When your brain no longer receives a reward in the form of a cool drink, it tends to seek gratification in the form of sweets. So don't be surprised if you crave some chocolate.
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Coffee is not a quick sobriety fix
- Coffee is a stimulant containing caffeine, which can increase alertness. Nevertheless, it does not expedite the metabolism of alcohol.
See also: How to make plans that don't involve alcohol
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© Shutterstock
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Takes just one hour
- The human body can process one standard-sized drink in just one hour. The consequences of consuming two or three drinks in the same timeframe can be imagined.
© Shutterstock
1 / 30 Fotos
Activates dopamine
- Alcohol in the brain stimulates the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to joy and contentment, which clarifies why individuals experience heightened happiness after consuming a glass or two.
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2 / 30 Fotos
Excessive drinking is harmful
- Binge drinking is defined as consuming four or more drinks within two hours for women, and five or more drinks within two hours for men. Potential consequences include heightened anxiety and a greater susceptibility to breast cancer.
© Shutterstock
3 / 30 Fotos
It is not beneficial for brain cells
- Consider exploring alternative methods of relaxation rather than turning to a beer for post-work unwinding. Consistently consuming one to two cans nightly may lead to memory impairment and a decrease in brain size. This explains its classification as a depressant, given its ability to hinder brain activity.
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4 / 30 Fotos
Reduced colds
- Research indicates that consuming an appropriate quantity of either white or red wine can reduce the likelihood of developing a common cold.
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5 / 30 Fotos
Alcohol may have benefits for a sore throat
- When you have a sore throat, try gargling whiskey instead of taking a lozenge. It will alleviate the pain.
© Shutterstock
6 / 30 Fotos
Muscle up!
- Muscles possess a greater capacity to absorb alcohol than fat, resulting in individuals with more muscles and less body fat having an increased resilience to alcohol.
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7 / 30 Fotos
It can help you solve problems
- Research has revealed that individuals with a blood alcohol content of 0.075 percent demonstrated enhanced problem-solving abilities, including tasks like furniture assembly instructions or crosswords. Therefore, consider indulging in a beer for a potential cognitive boost!
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8 / 30 Fotos
You may require a toilet
- Drinking alcohol not only increases urination but also can cause diarrhea. This occurs because alcohol disrupts the large intestine's water absorption function, leading to loose stool.
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Moderate consumption of red wine is thought to have positive effects on cardiovascular health
- Resveratrol, found in red wine, aids in managing cholesterol, preventing vascular harm, and halting blood clots.
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10 / 30 Fotos
Withdrawal symptoms are real
- Ultimately, alcohol is a substance that acts as a drug. Consequently, your body may undergo certain withdrawal symptoms based on your regular consumption. Such symptoms encompass twitching, anxiety, cold sweats, and sleep difficulties. Therefore, if you are reducing alcohol intake, it is advisable to gradually decrease to minimize the impact of withdrawal.
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Different impact on males and females
- Alcohol affects men and women differently. Men have a higher likelihood of drinking alcohol than women, but women experience more severe health consequences from long-term alcohol use compared to men.
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12 / 30 Fotos
Culture plays a key role in alcohol consumption
- A study in Italy investigated family drinking habits and found that Italians who consumed alcohol during family meals in their childhood were less inclined to have detrimental drinking behaviors in the future.
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Contains ethanol
- Alcoholic drinks consist of ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol. It is the sole form of alcohol that can be consumed without causing significant harm to the body.
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Alcohol's impact on health
- When ethanol enters your bloodstream, it circulates through the cells in your brain, heart, and other organs, causing the effects of alcohol.
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Reduced alcohol leads to pleasant dreams
- Alcohol may cause unconsciousness, but it reduces sleep quality by 40%. Therefore, consider replacing your evening cocktail with a cup of herbal tea.
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Alcohol remains in your system for around 12 hours
- If you consumed a few glasses of wine before going to bed, it is advisable to refrain from driving once you wake up, as the alcohol will likely still be present in your bloodstream.
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17 / 30 Fotos
Beer served as payment for Egyptian laborers
- Evidence suggests that builders of the Great Pyramids of Giza were compensated with beer, an idea that surely lifted spirits under scorching conditions.
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18 / 30 Fotos
Excessive alcohol harms the heart's condition
- Regularly consuming alcohol can elevate the chances of developing atrial fibrillation, a medical condition that heightens the risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke.
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19 / 30 Fotos
Alcohol can still be an issue even if you can hold your liquor
- It's possible that if you can consume alcohol without experiencing its effects, it may indicate that you're building alcohol tolerance. As time goes on, this could potentially lead to the development of alcohol use disorder (AUD).
© Shutterstock
20 / 30 Fotos
Drinking alcohol is a timeless tradition
- China has discovered residues from a very old alcoholic drink dating back to 7,000 to 6,600 BCE. Quite ancient!
© Shutterstock
21 / 30 Fotos
Hormones can affect hangovers
- Hormonal fluctuations can result in unpleasant symptoms after consuming alcohol, such as increased urination that may cause dehydration.
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22 / 30 Fotos
- Many people have experienced hangovers after consuming a large amount of alcohol the day or night prior. Hangovers result from chemical byproducts produced during alcohol metabolism in the body.
© Shutterstock
23 / 30 Fotos
Underage consumption
- Studies have discovered that teenagers who begin consuming alcohol prior to the age of 15 have an increased likelihood of developing alcohol addiction in the future.
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It's processed in the liver
- The liver is well aware of the impact alcohol has on it, as that's where it goes through the process. This organ utilizes enzymes to effectively convert ethanol into acetaldehyde and acetate.
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25 / 30 Fotos
Be cautious with dark liquors if you want to avoid hangovers
- Opt for white or clear liquors instead of dark ones (like red wine or whiskey) to reduce the likelihood of experiencing a harsh hangover. This simple choice can help minimize the chances of a post-drinking headache.
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26 / 30 Fotos
Women are more likely to die from alcohol-related causes than men
- Women with alcohol dependence have a higher likelihood of succumbing to alcohol-related causes compared to men with alcohol dependence.
© Shutterstock
27 / 30 Fotos
Sugar cravings
- When your brain no longer receives a reward in the form of a cool drink, it tends to seek gratification in the form of sweets. So don't be surprised if you crave some chocolate.
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28 / 30 Fotos
Coffee is not a quick sobriety fix
- Coffee is a stimulant containing caffeine, which can increase alertness. Nevertheless, it does not expedite the metabolism of alcohol.
See also: How to make plans that don't involve alcohol
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Dangerous alcohol facts that will shock you
The belief that coffee speeds up sobriety is false
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If you enjoy a cold beer at a BBQ or an after-work cocktail, rest assured, most adults consume alcohol at some point in their lives. And just as the reasons for drinking vary greatly, so do the effects it has on our health. With both positive and negative consequences, there is much to learn about this popular substance.
Imbued into cocktails, beers, and wines worldwide, explore this gallery for some enlightening facts about alcohol.

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