Is dark chocolate really better for us?

The amount of chocolate that's too much might vary depending on the cocoa percentage

Stars Insider

12/02/25 | StarsInsider

FOOD Health

When it comes to sourcing a tasty and energizing snack, little can compare to chocolate. The problem is, of course, that too much chocolate is bad for us. After all, few people reach adulthood without learning it should be consumed in moderation...

Exactly how much chocolate is too much, however, may depend on the percentage of cocoa the chocolate bar contains. Often boasting a cocoa percentage of 70% or more, you may have heard that dark chocolate is the "healthy version" of chocolate. Whether that's true or not, with its distinct taste you most likely either love or hate dark chocolate.

But the question remains: is it good for you? Check out this gallery to find out whether dark chocolate really is better for us.

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