Key foods to help prevent clogged arteries

Artery-cleansing foods you should eat regularly

Stars Insider

06/09/24 | StarsInsider

FOOD Health

Atherosclerosis is a potentially deadly condition that develops when fatty deposits accumulate along artery walls, resulting in the thickening or hardening of these vital channels. Arteries play the crucial role of delivering oxygen and nutrients to every organ, tissue, and cell in our body, so it's imperative they remain supple and free from a buildup of plaque. Failure to maintain a normal, healthy blood flow can result in heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke. Regular exercise is one way of keeping these vessels in tip-top condition, but did you know that there are certain foods that can help thin the arteries and reduce the risk of them narrowing and restricting blood flow?

Click through and find out what to eat to help prevent clogged arteries.

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