Pâtisserie party: the history of our favorite pastries

All about these delicate breakfast bites

Stars Insider

09/12/24 | StarsInsider

FOOD Baking

Pastries are close to all of our hearts. There is no chance of walking by a bakery and not feeling the temptation to go in. The crispy outer texture, buttery innards, and sweet fillings fill human souls with joy. While the French are famous for their pastries, they are not the only people to have created delicious breakfast pastries. The use of pastry dough dates all the way back to the Egyptians (3150-31 BCE), with the use of phyllo. Then pastry casings became a great way to parcel up food for people. It was not until the 19th century that pastry became popular for its delicacy and opulence.

From simple Danishes to indulgent éclairs, click through to learn more.

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