Delectable desserts you'd never guess are vegan

Even the biggest skeptics will be converted

Stars Insider

01/11/24 | StarsInsider

FOOD Alternatives

Vegan desserts have a bad rep for being a less flavorful or strangely textured version of the real thing. It's time to bust that myth! Vegan cooking doesn't have to limit your options–there's always an alternative. More and more excellent vegan recipes are popping up as that lifestyle becomes more popular. Thankfully, an army of food bloggers have tried and tested their way to plant-based perfection.

Many of the following recipes are vegan twists on classic desserts. If you're simply trying to decrease the amount of dairy in your diet, it doesn't mean you have to sacrifice. In fact, some of the vegan versions are better than the original! Click through for some guilt-free dessert inspiration.

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