Mouthwatering ways to use up those overripe bananas

Did you know that eating bananas can help your body produce serotonin?

Stars Insider

16/02/25 | StarsInsider

FOOD Baking

Bananas seem to be green forever⁠—until all of a sudden they’re peak ripeness for a fraction of a moment, and then they’re browning before you even get to them. But far too many underestimate the spotty, overripe bananas, and you definitely shouldn't toss them!

Incorporating more bananas in your food naturally helps you consume less sugar and fat, and it gives you vitamins, nutrients, and fiber, along with helping you produce serotonin. If that weren't enough, bananas also develop sugar as they ripen and offer luscious moisture, making them perfect for desserts. Click through to see the tastiest ways to use up browning bananas.

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