Top sources of protein for vegetarians

Some ideas for the non-meat eaters among us

Stars Insider

17/02/25 | StarsInsider

FOOD Meals

Whether for health, animal welfare, or religious reasons, more and more people are opting to follow a vegan or vegetarian diet. In 2016, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics took the position that a carefully-planned vegan or vegetarian diet can provide all the nutrients we need to live a healthy life. But for vegans and vegetarians, an important part of that planning is working out how to consume an adequate amount of protein.

If you're thinking about adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet, check out this gallery for ideas on how to meet those daily protein requirements. Some foods listed are complete proteins, meaning they contain adequate quantities of all nine amino acids the human body needs. Other listed items are incomplete proteins, emphasizing the need to eat a balanced diet.

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