The rhinestone's place in fashion and pop culture

How an imitation diamond can still add sparkle to your wardrobe

Stars Insider

19/05/21 | StarsInsider


Rhinestones have been embellishing clothing and fashion accessories since the 18th century. Essentially imitation diamonds, rhinestones are manufactured either as high-grade crystals or inexpensive glass or acrylic stones, and there are many different types and methods of application. The original rhinestones were discovered as small quartz crystals in the Rhine river in 13th-century Austria, and the location provided a convenient name for these masquerading, would-be gems. Today, sparkling rhinestones decorate celebrities, are featured in song and cinema, and have even turned up on cars, timepieces, and other miscellaneous everyday objects.

Click through and see how an imitation diamond can still add sparkle to your wardrobe.

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