Emma Stone rocks red pixie cut at the 2025 Golden Globes

The actress revealed her red pixie cut amid buzz about her dramatic chop for film 'Bugonia'

Stars Insider

06/01/25 | StarsInsider


Pixie cuts are gaining ground all over the world, as women decide to chop off their locks in favor of a daring new style. Don't believe us? There are plenty of examples in Hollywood that show stars sporting this fierce and gorgeous look.

The latest example comes from actress Emma Stone, who turned heads at the Golden Globes with her freshly grown-out pixie cut, following a recent head shave.

In October, Stone was spotted filming 'Bugonia' in New York, with a hat covering her head in every photo shared online, sparking fan speculation that she had indeed shaved her head for the role.

Check out this gallery full of star-studded hairstyles, and get inspired for an edgy and dramatic change!

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