Cases of fan violence against celebrities

Famous people who were killed by fans and everyday people

Stars Insider

18/12/24 | StarsInsider


We all have our heroes. Singers, artists, sports stars... all are admired and serve as inspiration to generations of fans. The problem is that fandom can sometimes have its downside. Seriously so. Adoration can become a dangerous obsession to the point where celebrities end up receiving a more sinister kind of love and devotion. And in extreme cases this has led to violent acts being perpetrated by so-called fans against the very people they look up to as role models. Sadly, history has recorded the far less salubrious side of fame, instances in which VIPs have fallen victim to the most extreme examples of unhealthy hero worship.

So, who are the famous people whose admirers were anything but? Click through and discover the stars who were slain by fans and other everyday people.

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