Would you recognize them today? Hint: They were once voted the Sexiest Men Alive

Find out which men's alluring qualities have remained timeless and which may have lost their charm

Stars Insider

25/09/24 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Retrospective

Every year, People magazine carefully observes the famous men who confidently walk down red carpets, analyzing their qualities and gathering votes to determine the lucky recipient of the esteemed title of "Sexiest Man Alive." The list itself, much like its title, is impressive, featuring both predictable and surprising choices that have caused debates. But is sexiness an inherent trait that withstands the test of time, or does it gradually fade away, just like the pigmentation in one's hair?

Click through to take a trip down memory lane and discover the very first batch of men who were honored with this award, dating all the way back to 1985. 

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