Famous celebs who lost their fortunes

From rags to riches, and back to rags again

Stars Insider

11/12/24 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Celebrity deaths

Being a celebrity can be quite costly. Despite their incredibly high incomes, A-listers tend to live expensive lives. Multiple homes, private travel, and extravagant vacations make up the more luxurious side of their financial burden. However, their public personas mean that they and their families require high levels of security wherever they go, which doesn't come cheap. Factor in financial abuse by dodgy managers, poor investment choices, and drug addictions, and their lifestyles can lead to heavy debt.

These surprisingly common problems mean that not all celebrities are able to maintain their wealth. Some of the most influential individuals in history have actually passed away with no money left.

Curious to know more? Continue reading to discover the unexpected celebrities who died penniless.

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