Jamie Lee Curtis: from scream queen to Oscar winner

Jamie Lee Curtis wins Best Supporting Actress, her first ever Oscar in 45-year career

Stars Insider

08/10/23 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Retrospective

Jamie Lee Curtis is one of those special people in Hollywood who doesn't take herself too seriously. She grew up as Hollywood royalty surrounded by legends from the entertainment industry, at ease on film sets and red carpets. This has allowed her to be more outspoken and honest than most actors, as she's not afraid of being blacklisted. When she isn't gatecrashing her friends' red carpet interviews and cracking jokes, she's lifting the lid on issues that impact the people in her community, like substance abuse and the impossible beauty standards forced upon women in the spotlight.

Ready to discover more? Click through this gallery to learn all about the hilarious and wholehearted Jamie Lee Curtis.

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