Celebrities who have been reported missing

Some were found safely, but others were never seen again

Stars Insider

05/04/24 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Disappearance

Actors, musicians, politicians, sports stars, and celebrities of all kinds struggle to find a moment's peace away from the prying eyes of paparazzi and fans. They live under such intense scrutiny, that it's even more surprising when they disappear. Even so, many famous figures have vanished under mysterious circumstances and had to be reported missing to the authorities. In some cases, it was a simple misunderstanding, while in others, they disappeared without a trace and were never seen again.

Many of the celebrities on this list had issues with drugs, mental illness, and other factors that often contribute to a missing persons case, but some are far more difficult to explain. Click through to learn about the celebrities who suddenly dropped off the radar.

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