Musical memorials: artists who performed at celebrity funerals

Find out which celebrities were sent off by the likes of Beyoncé, Stevie Wonder, and Elton John

Stars Insider

31/10/24 | StarsInsider


A funeral is usually a somber occasion, but when a musician or actor dies, it can be a little different. Such famous creatives often touch the lives of many artists who then come together to celebrate their achievements and cultural impact. This means that music often plays a significant role, far beyond the traditional hymns and organ music. When a famous musician passes away it's even more vital to the proceedings. What better way to pay tribute to a music legend than sending them off with a concert for the ages? Singers like Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson had funerals that would put Coachella to shame!

Click through the following gallery to see which celebrity funerals featured incredible performances from famous artists.

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