Famous faces who died from a broken heart

The widowhood effect, and the famous figures who suffered from it

Stars Insider

19/03/25 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Broken heart

It's called the widowhood effect—the increase in the probability of a person dying during a relatively short period of time after their longtime spouse has died. The phenomenon has also been called the "broken heart syndrome," with men and women at equal risk of succumbing to unbearable heartache shortly after the loss of a loved one. And it's not just those in a close marital relationship that can die close together. The loss of a parent or child can also induce the widowhood effect.

Death, it seems, has no boundaries. For most of us, grief and anguish in the wake of bereavement is a private affair. Celebrities, however, often find themselves sharing their sorrow publicly and, for some, the widowhood effect is too much to bear.

Click through and remember the stars who died after losing a loved one.

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