Outrageous examples of the gender pay gap in Hollywood

You won't believe what these actresses were paid compared to their male co-stars

Stars Insider

11/10/21 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Inequality

A study of 246 actors who featured in 1,343 films between 1980 and 2015 revealed a significant and consistent pay gap between actors and actresses. On average, actors are paid US$1.1 million more per film than their female co-stars. You'd think that the wage gap would have closed over time, but this disparity has stayed roughly the same since the 1980s. 

Some of the most successful actresses in the world today are still getting low-balled for every movie they make. Their male counterparts can negotiate outrageously high salaries with ease, while actresses report being called "difficult" or "spoiled" if they demand the same. Let's take a look at some of the most shocking examples of pay disparity in Hollywood.

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