Posthumous Oscars: The stars who earned nods and awards after death

Find out which stars were nominated or even won Oscars after they passed

Stars Insider

10/07/24 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Academy awards

Winning an Oscar is the apex of many Hollywood stars' careers. For decades now, the prize has celebrated outstanding actor performances along with the numerous people involved behind-the-scenes of some of the greatest cinematic works.

Many stars, however, did not have the chance to reap the rewards of their hard work because they sadly passed before it was their turn. They didn't get to receive their nominations and awards while still alive, and some didn't even get to see their finished films.

But the Academy Awards did not forget them, indeed rewarding some late stars with posthumous Oscars or nominations as tribute to their legacy. Click through this gallery to see which stars were nominated for or even won an Oscar after they died.

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