40 celebs turning 40 this year

Find out which stars were born in 1981

Stars Insider

29/01/21 | StarsInsider


As the years keep flying by, all our numbers tick higher and higher, but we spend far too much time worrying about all that. In your twenties, you get to build yourself up with whatever you can grab, and then your thirties are all about refining everything you've accumulated, so that in your forties you have truly taken shape—and you still have tons of energy to spare!

Since 50 is apparently the new 30, turning 40 is nothing to be scared of. Unless, of course, you're watching the actors from your favorite teen flicks and the singers who soundtracked your youthful memories hit 40 when you were least expecting it. Like this year!

Click through to see the celebrities turning 40 in 2021.

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