Celebrating Betty White: a look at the longest TV career in history

The late entertainment icon was born on January 17, 1922

Stars Insider

17/01/25 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Retrospective

With a career spanning over 80 years, Betty White worked longer in television than anyone else in the industry, and by a long shot! Sadly, we lost her on December 31, 2021, just a few weeks shy of her 100th birthday.

Both young and old generations knew her to be a spunky lady with a surprisingly darling appearance for the jokes she committed to, and, of course, she was best known for her roles as Rose Nylund on ‘The Golden Girls’ and Sue Ann Nivens on ‘The Mary Tyler Moore Show.’ But her career and her influence on the industry, particularly for women, had a much farther reach than those roles, iconic as they are.

Click through this gallery to get a brief but dazzling recap of Betty White’s incredible career.

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