Dionne Warwick: the new queen of social media

She turns 80 on December 12, but she’s fresh as ever online

Stars Insider

08/12/20 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Celebrity tweets

Dionne Warwick has a reputation that precedes her, but until now it's largely been about everything that she's achieved in music—and she's achieved a lot in the industry. She ranks as one of the 40 top hit makers between 1955 and 1999, has a very impressive legacy on the pop singles charts, and she's responsible for popularizing timeless songs across the canons of pop, R&B, and soul.

More recently, however, the legendary singer has taken personal control over her Twitter account, after previously just having a team tweet for her. The results have been astronomical. She's a meme machine, sharing her opinions on contemporary artists, asking hilarious questions, and engaging with her fans using her authentic sense of shady humor.

Click through this gallery to see her greatest Twitter moments thus far, as she calls on artists from The Weeknd to Chance the Rapper, Snoop Dogg to Taylor Swift, and delights the virtual world with her endless charm.

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