These celebrities can't cook to save their lives

Paula Patton responds to backlash over "unseasoned" fried chicken recipe

Stars Insider

06/04/22 | StarsInsider


How are your cooking skills? Are you more of a chef or do you struggle cooking a hard boiled egg? Either way, you're not alone. While there are many celebs who love to cook (some even wrote cookbooks), there are many others who fall on the other side of the spectrum. Yes, there are many stars who can't cook—at all. 

Actress Paula Patton shared a video to Instagram on April 4 showing how to make her “mom’s favorite fried chicken.” From the quick cold water rinse of the raw chicken, to the plain flour coating, to the way only Lawry's Seasoned Salt, black pepper, and paprika were used to season the chicken after it was already submerged in oil, and even to the pink insides of the chicken after she ripped a piece off, viewers had serious problems with the video. 

But Patton remains confident despite her lack of skills in the kitchen. "It's all good because everybody's got their own way of making things," she said in a post the following day. "And I'll take suggestions, I'll make a new kind of fried chicken, but I'm gonna always make my mom's chicken the way she did it. We put the seasoning in the oil and all that. It's just the way we do it."

Browse through the gallery and find out which celebs prefer to stay away from the kitchen.

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