Rap royalty: Missy Elliott's most iconic moments

Missy Elliot receives her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Stars Insider

09/11/21 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Missy elliott

Missy Elliott has been called one of the most significant female artists in contemporary music history, but this year she's back for the crown. 

The five-time Grammy winner has now received her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, alongside other entertainment legends like David Bowie and Mariah Carey. She is the 2,708th honoree to appear on the iconic street in front of Amoeba Records. The star was unveiled on November 8, with Lizzo and Ciara giving speeches at her induction. 

The Songwriters Hall of Fame called her “a groundbreaking solo superstar, pioneering songwriter-producer, and across-the-board cultural icon,” and to many, she's long been a feminist hero too. From outrageous outfits to gasp-worthy lyrics, check out this gallery to see her most iconic moments.

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