Elvis Presley: the untold story of the King

The King left us on this day in 1977

Stars Insider

16/08/24 | StarsInsider


Stars come and go with the times, but in showbiz there's one name that won't fade away. Elvis Presley, otherwise known as the King, may be remembered forever. In just 42 years on Earth, the American singer conquered the world of entertainment.

First it was his music, with songs like 'Heartbreak Hotel' dominating the radio. Then it was the look, the audacious dance moves, which sent shock waves through conservative America and across the globe. Elvis became a household name thanks to performances on programs like 'The Ed Sullivan Show,' which led him into the world of cinema. Though his acting skills are cynically debated, it's undeniable that Presley also made a huge impact in the world of film. His performances in 'King Creole,' 'Blue Hawaii,' and 'Viva Las Vegas' are loveable, and only helped the King build his empire.

Intrigued? Find out about Presley's tough upbringing, religious beliefs, domestic drama, and his tragic demise in this gallery.

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