Famous women reveal the moment they felt successful

You'd be surprised when these stars felt they'd finally made it

Stars Insider

12/10/21 | StarsInsider


It’s often difficult for women to experience a full sense of success due to a multitude of reasons, from the struggle to be taken seriously, to the way women are conditioned to downplay their triumphs and talents. And that’s not even taking into consideration factors of race or wage inequality. But women make the entertainment world go round!

The moment of success happens in different ways and at different times for everyone. For some, it takes their idol noticing them, for others it’s a fat paycheck, and one particular star felt the peak of success when she was made into a Halloween costume!

Check out this gallery, based on a list from The Cut, to find out the weird, funny, sweet, and empowering moments when your favorite female celebrities made it big.

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